Product List

Here is a list of tools developed by Agrimetsoft, each with a short description and a link to visit the product page. You can click on the link to view the page, check tutorials, and see the formulas. The prices listed are net prices; tax will be added based on your country.

Name Ver. Short description Cost Links to pages
RDIT 1.0 User-friendly Software for Rain-Based Drought Index Calculation and Severity Assessment 64.95$

Rain-based Drought Indices Tool

DMAP 2.0 A Specialized Tool for Drought Index Calculation and Severity Assessment from Various Data Formats Across Multiple Stations. Includes Prediction Capabilities using GCM Data. 499$

Drought Monitoring And Prediction

Model Analyzer Tool 1.0 With this tool, you can analyze model results, including drawing QQ, Quartile, residual plots, Autoregressive, confidence and prediction bounds, and efficiency criteria. 18.95$ Model Analyzer Tool
Estimate Missing Climate Data 1.0 This tool estimates missing climate data using station or historical data, employing methods like MLR, ANN, IDW, Correlation Weighted, Interpolation, LOCF, NOCB, etc. 99$ Estimate Missing Data
Thiessen Polygon Tool 1.0 The Thiessen Polygon tool draws polygons for stations, calculates each station's area, and determines the weighted average of a variable. 30$ Thiessen Polygon
CORDEX Data Extractor 1.0 This desktop Windows software is designed for extracting data exclusively from CORDEX NetCDF files, ensuring compatibility and efficient extraction processes. 69$

CORDEX Data Extractor

Data Tool 1.0 This Excel add-in offers comprehensive data reshaping capabilities and enables the calculation of efficiency coefficients like RMSE and Nash–Sutcliffe model. It seamlessly converts daily data into monthly and seasonal formats, with ongoing updates and additional functionalities such as Trend test, MLR, and CDF/PDF graphs. 18.99$ 3Month

Data Tool

Open NC File 1.1 Open NC File enables data extraction using station coordinates or a rectangular region, offering robust functionality for extracting data from NetCDF files. 119$

Open NC File

KNN-WG 1.1 A Utility for Executing KNN Weather Generator Method for Generating Weather Data from Historical Records. 44.95$

KNN Weather Generator

Netcdf-Extractor 2.1 A Tool for Extracting Time Series from NetCDF Files Based on Cell Numbers. 54.95$

Netcdf Extractor

MDM 1.0 This is AgriMetSoft's inaugural tool designed for computing meteorological drought indices. Free

Overview of MDM

KBDIS 1.0 With this tool, you can calculate the Keetch-Byram Drought Index (KBDI) and create corresponding graphs. Free

Keetch-Byram Drought Index Software

SD-GCM 2.0 A software to apply statistical downscaling methods on GCM data(CMIP5 and CMIP6) by 3 methods: Delta, QM, EQM 499$

Statistical Downscaling of General Circulation Models

NetCDF Matlab 1.0 NetCDF Matlab tool facilitates the conversion of NetCDF files or individual variables to Mat files (Matlab Data Files). 18.95$

NetCDF Matlab

Modis Product Extractor 1.0 Modis Product Extractor is designed to extract data from HDF files of MODIS products, enabling extraction for a region, point, or list of stations. It is compatible with any Modis product. 99$

Modis Product Extractor

Taylor Diagram 1.0 This tool facilitates the easy creation of Taylor Diagrams to compare your model data. 59$ Taylor Diagram
Calculators 1.0 Access our Free Online Calculators to assist researchers in computing efficiency criteria. Free


List Tools 1.0 On this website, discover over 13,000 software tools with detailed descriptions for easy exploration. Free

Download Tools

Distributions Calculator 1.0 This online tool fits and calculates distributions based on your data. Free Distributions Calculator
Regression Calculators 1.0 This free online calculator employs diverse regression types for your data analysis. Free Regression Calculators
Rotation Coordinate based on Cordex Domains 1.0 This tool facilitates the conversion between non-rotated and rotated coordinates, with the pivot of rotations aligned to CORDEX domains. Free

Cordex Rotation

CRUP 1.0 CRUP provides Tmax data for your location and generates trend lines based on CRU data. Free

CRU Presenter

NetCDF Viewer 1.0 The NetCDF Viewer displays variables, attributes, and one-dimensional data in each NetCDF file. Free

NetCDF Viewer

PADE 1.0 PADE processes AgMerra rainfall data for any location in Punjab, offering conversion to monthly, daily, row-wise, and column-wise formats. Additionally, it exports to Excel or PDF files. Free